I have been in the treatment phase for WG since November and since I also had a set back, it seems the chemo and the pred is going to go on forever.

How do they decide when you are in remission? If you are on very low doses of medication is that called a remission? Is it a negative anca? I sure would love to find out what to expect if I ever get there.

I am often surprised how good I feel, then I overdo it one day and am dead the next. Sometimes, a couple of heavy days can bring on the bloody nasal discharge. Does anyone think it is necessary to be sure to rest enough? I've never been a couch potatoe and had that really unfit feeling. Sometime I feel like I don't have anything wrong with me at all, then I had the brief scary relapse. I don't want that again. What is the best way to keep healthier? Germaine