I was diagnosed in the pretty early stages of WG, and I never had pain related to it before. As my medications have been reduced in the past couple weeks, and in the coming weeks, I have been paying very close attention to any changes in my body.

Yesterday, out of nowhere, I had these aches in my legs that lasted most of the day, and then proceeded to move to my arms. Toward the end of the day, before I went to bed, they got much better. And when I woke up this morning, I feel like myself again.

I had experienced something like this about a week after I started Cytoxan last January, in my left leg, and it also went away quickly, within a couple hours. After ruling out a clot, my doctors chalked it up to the higher than usual Bactrim dose being taken with the Cytoxan together, so I started taking them at different times, and only 1 Bactrim pill every other day, and the problem never returned. So, I thought, problem solved.

What I had yesterday felt the same, but more widespread. So I was wondering if it could be Wegs, or if Wegs pain would go away that quickly?
Another thought I had was that I had a load of sugar in the past two days. I received a Starbucks gift card, and thought I would treat myself to a sugary coffee drink...in hind sight that may have been a horrible idea. Could too much sugar while still in 3mg of Prednisone cause this sort of reaction?

Thanks for your thoughts