Hi, i am new to this site, and i just really need some advice.

Recently i have felt amazing, the best ive felt in years, and finally thought i was myself again (fully) doing things like going on nights out with my friends. My consultant even started to taper down my sted. I also took on an extra job (i already do college full time and work part time in a cinema and also saturdays in a hairdressers).

Buut about a month and 1/2 ago i started feeling a bit crappy and got tonsilitis. Pretty much while i had tonsilitis i got a rash on my face by my nose (like a bumpy, red angry looking thing) i was put on penecillin. Once the tonsilitis went i felt a bit better and carried on but the rash didnt go. I popped back to the nurse about it and they gave me Ethromycin. That didnt clear it up. Ive been back again and now im on a steriod cream.

Since then ive had spotting when blowing my nose, i have like lumpy grains in my nose that are really sore, and today ive got what looks like oral thrush on my tounge. Ohh and my mouth has been itching like crazy (waking me up during the night crazy).

On top of that im just feeling very tired and im sleeping a lot more than normal.

Can i get some advice on what to do as im a bit fed up right now.

Look forward to hearing from you all