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  1. #1
    Savva Guest

    Default God

    I've recently watched this: God's Existence - Documentary - YouTube
    and if you have a spare 2 hours in your life now I strongly recommend you to check it out instead of meaningless entertainment. It is about God. I myself believe in God. It is not like this video had a profound effect on me, but this inspired me to share my ideas with you. And this video made me rethink our illness:
    you see, God loves us, He truly does, more than we can imagine, it is impossible for us to understand it. God loves His own creations. The question is: why there is hell and why there is heaven then? Answer: it is for people's own good. Imagine a bird in the sky and a fish in a river. If you swap them both will die. So is for people. Sinful people will go crazy from their desires in heaven, as well as righteous will not last long in hell. God wants you to be in heaven, He wants you to change. It is up to us to choose now. We still live in this world only due to His boundless mercy, His enormous love for everyone. And everything God does is for the greater good even our illness. It is a lesson for us that we must learn, it is a challenge, it is a time for a big change, it is God's grace. Yes, it truly is. Our illness is in fact a precious thing that many of us do not understand.
    You can now say, "ok if God loves me and I will follow Him and will always glorify His Name, will He heal me then?" You see, for God our problems and way of thinking is just ridiculous. It is worth nothing to God to heal us. We're not talking about it now. What is more important is our souls. We are too primitive to grasp His will. Our lives are nothing compared to infinity. And when a Judgement Day will come and Jesus will judge all alive and dead, it will be Judgement of God. Even a small good deed may be equal to our whole live lived in vain. I strongly believe that whatever happens, happens because of God. We are just too stupid to discern His grace and giddily say something is good, and something is bad. We see some good only if it pleases our sinful fallen nature. In fact everything is good for us, even Wegener's Granulomatosis. Just think about it. That does not mean you shall just seat on your hands and wait for your healing. Not at all. You must work. And what "work" means you will determine for yourself, according to your level of spiritual development. Many people were not being healed by God until many years had passed - read the Bible. This time of our illness is given for us to strengthen us, to test our faith (and God always likes to test our faith - remember when God told Abraham to kill his only son Isaac?). But even these are just primitive examples (made by me, an unworthy and sinful) of what your illness might be for. In fact we are not in the position to understand anything. People can not understand God's greatest plan.
    I can go on and on, but I think that will do for now.
    Stop whining about this and that. Live a life worth living, remember you're created for a reason, not for whining. I am not calling you all to stop taking medicine and stop your treatment, although if you're masochist then why not . All I want to say is that all this made me rethink my illness. And I want you to be part of this experience as well. God bless.
    Last edited by Savva; 11-09-2013 at 07:07 AM.

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