Hi Folks,

I wrote a short article for a local online paper in my city about Wegener's for Rare Disease Day.

It went well until someone posted an ignorant comment and then it got ugly. Some comments were removed obviously.. But for some reason not the ignorant one. Something about how I should try some chicken noodle soup as it fixes everything. Whatever... lol

I don't really give a rats @ss after what I've been through but some people got riled up. I don't understand why no matter what people do; someone has to be an @rse. My mother basically got out the torches... Small city drama.

On the plus side I got lots of nice comments and e-mails; but when someone says things like that it hurts. I don't care if it was a joke or not. I'm sure none of you will find it funny either!

Anyway, enough of that.. Here is the article

Local woman with rare disease spreads awareness : Miramichi Online