I think the key to feeling involved is engaging in activities that 1) take your mind off of being sick and 2) focus on helping others whenever possible.

Even though it's not meeting face-to-face, being on Twitter helps me spend time interacting with a wide variety of people and thinking about all sorts of topics. It's very mentally-stimulating, because someone will tweet a link to an article and that gets you thinking and discussing it. Then someone else tweets about their new puppy and it's another conversation. For someone like me, who can usually only leave the house 3 or maybe 4 times a week, it's great. I rarely discuss Wegs or being sick on Twitter or FB.

I also spend a lot of time helping others. I do some online things for our temple, like making flyers or organizing groups, etc.... I can adapt it to my energy levels and hit the Pause button for the hours, days, weeks or months when I'm not able to do it. I spend a lot of time in prayer and meditation as well. Also reading, and of course taking care of my animals.

There are so many ways we can help others even if we can't walk or have other physical limitations. Animal rescuers (individuals or organizations) post pictures of dogs and cats that need to be rescued and/or fostered. It's non-stop. You can be a HUGE help to them by sharing the posts, or better yet, helping to find them homes. I've worked in animal rescue and can give people more info about ways to help. Local food banks can also use your help calling grocery stores to ask for unused but safe food. There are so many more things like this!

Before I got Wegs all of my fun revolved around physical activities, like hiking, biking, yoga, etc.... Now that those are off the table, I've found other ways to enjoy myself that I never did before.