Nose bleeds are one of my most common residual side effects of GPA even when i am considered in a drug induced remission. Often they happen with nasal crusting that is dislodged by blowing my nose. Another common side effect that is often troublesome for me is post nasal drip which can get heavy enough to irritate the bronchial area and sometimes result in bronchitis.

Lately the post nasal drip has resulted in many coughing spells which is not productive. My daily nasal rinses often produce little mucous or some small old clots and occasionally a nose bleed when trying to blow nose clear.

The ER staff though I might have an infection which is not showing up on the lab work since I had RTX a few weeks ago to suppress my immune system. They prescribed an antibiotic and recommended an antihistamine like Claritin since allergies might be contributing to the post nasal drip.

After four days of new meds my coughing has decreased some and I can often produce some heavier mucous from the post nasal drip which seems like progress. But the nasal crusting and nosebleeds have got worse. Today it took over an half hour to get it stopped and the nosebleeds usually quit in a few minutes before.

I have used Fluticasone nasal spray for congestion in the past but wonder if the allergy meds are increasing the nose bleeds and crusting.

Are there any other good methods to treat crusting besides the usual nasal rinses, saline nasal spray, nasal gel?

I will see my GP tomorrow and my ENT in three weeks for advice but wonder what other forum users have experienced in this area?