Thanks for your input. It never occurred to me that the immunosuppressive drugs could also be part of it. Every day something new is messing with me, but not as bad as the beginning. I just faxed the Nephrologist all my new symptoms with the weekly blood pressure and other vitals he asked for. Maybe my documented information with the new symptoms will alert him with something. I had some friends on Facebook talk about "Tea tree oil". You know anything about that? Actually 2 people said that to me. One of them is a hair dresser and he hears about scalp problems in his job all the time just from doing his job. My mom just dropped off some hair oils as a quick fix... last night I had a hot hot hot shower and believe it or not, it stopped! But I think the heat is only a quick fix just like the joint pain. Hot water always gives me that relief so I don't have to take pain killers. I can't stand NSAIDS... they add to the kidney problems.

I also forgot about the adrenal glands. I was only aware of them when prednisone took over my life for 3 years. LOL Thanks for your input... I'm hoping the kidney clinic gets back to me in time for the weekend.