Thanks for the updates, gilders. I am so sorry you are going through all these and I pray that your kidney will settle down with no more issues. If it will demand the pred, so be it. We will provide you "a pred support group".

Why do you think that your wg might be active ? Since you are on cellcept it should work for the wg as well. I've noticed that when I am stressed, even when my body is full of rtx at its best working time, I still get some wg symptoms (nose bleedings, ears and joints pains) which disapear when the stress is gone. Maybe this is your case now too, because of the stress. Try to calm yourself as much as you can. You are a fighter and have the best docs and treatments. You are in the hands of Our Lord who loves you more then you can ever imagine. You are embraced by many prayers from all around the world, even from heaven, by @pberggren1. Relax, breath, smile and keep on fighting.