Hello everyone,

I am on methotrexate 15mg weekly, and because I am on posaconazole I can't take my old inhaler, seretide. I had two viral infections one after the other and it seemed to destabilise things for me. I had been reducing my pred dosage from 10mg hopefully to 5mg. I had successfully reduced to 7.5mg and was alternating this with 5mgs every other day for a month (medical advice).

I have now recovered from the viral infections but for the last few weeks I have been suffering from what I call squeezed lungs and some haemoptysis. I increased my steroids again for a few days and last week it was severe enough to go up to 12.5 for two days then 10 for two days, then 7.5 mg again.

I wonder if methotrexate is causing this to happen, as it seems to happen the day after I take it, can it cause worsening of asthma ( before I started to take posaconazole my asthma was always well controlled. Initially before I was diagnosed with vasculitis I had thought my asthma had reappeared and I was on a lot of asthma drugs to no avail.) Of course it could be just the reduction in steroids again but I wondered if anyone else had experienced this.

Best Wishes
