Been dealing with Wegs for the last 5 years.
Three weeks ago I had an appointment with my Rheumatologist. Lab results from him showed my liver enzymes were elevated and the number was like 87??? He requested that I get a follow up lab in 2 weeks, which I did.
I got a call from his nurse on Monday, Oct 5 and she said that I need to schedule a visit with my primary Dr and or my internist. From the results I read on my electronic chart, that 87 number is up to 107 and the nurse said that my numbers were gradually increasing!
I am pred dependent and have been since the beginning to help my breathing. I have managed to get to 10mg daily but no lower and I don't want to go with more again, I did 60mg for more than a year and 40mg more that 2 years and 10mg for the last couple years.
To me that seems like the most probable culprit, but have researched my other meds that are processed through the liver.
Question, Has anyone else dealt with liver issues and had to have meds readjusted?
I am going to ask for a reduction or taper from the pred again and hope for a good out come, although, not likely!
I am going to ask to have the Omeprozol removed from my med regiment and will just have to do even better control of my diet to treat my GERD!
My blood sugars are out of control even with the increase of insulin and cutting out carbs, I am still getting high readings and have been reporting my numbers each week for the last month to my dr so she can adjust the insulin as needed! I wonder if this liver thing is affecting my sugars or vici versa?
I spoke with my wife last night again about choice that we might be able to make and she is not sure about cutting out meds especially the pred for the lungs! I told her that I was willing to let the chips fall where they may.
I also told her that the cancer I had in 06 when symptoms began to build after surgery that I think I should have not fought so hard and this the cancers revenge. I was told that I was not expected to beat it!
So has anyone ran into this liver issue and what was done about it?