I just returned from a camping and hiking trip with my son to the Colorado Rockies. It was my first such adventure since getting into remission last December, so I was a bit apprehensive. It all turned out wonderfully well! We even did a 10 mile hike, climbing 3000 feet to 12,500 ft above sea level. That left me exhausted and my legs were stiff the next day, but that didn't compare with the joy of completing the hike and enjoying the views and the solitude. On the climb up the mountain I thought about the last two years, where I am today compared with then, all the doctors and family and friends who I'm grateful for - and yes, I count all on this forum as friends. I recalled as many of your names (or handles) and sagas as possible. That kept me going (slowly but steadily) up the mountain just as it has kept my spirits up the last two years. Thank you all!