I went the other day to see my ent because my nose and forehead have been getting really cold all the time. Well when he came into the office he had a intern following him that day he he told him I have wg. Well to my surprise he knew what is was and said it now goes by gpa,needless to say I was impressed and I told him I was surprised he knew what it was. He told me that they are teaching alot about it in school and ask my story about it and he was excited to meet someone you has it but said he was sorry I did. But anyway the dr said I had no holes or perferation in my nose but wanted me to have a ct scan of my sinus to make sure my nose wasn't collapsing. So what botheres me on the script for the scan he wrote to check for cronic sinisitis. They called me the following day and said my sinuses were fine....that wasn't the issue,although I wasn't sure if I had a sinus infection. So I had the hosp send a disc and the report to CC for her to check out and I have to go back and see the ent on March 18th and bring the disc. So I still don't know what's causing it. WG ???