Hi all,

After I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago in Colorado my husband found your website. He posted my story (Just diagnosed in Colorado - LovinLife) and you were all very encouraging and helpful as we were scared to death of what impact having Wegener's would have on the rest of my life. Thank you for your kind words. I was still dealing with the diagnosis and not really ready to face all the specifics. Now after reading many of your stories and posts I feel that I am starting to get a realization of what I have to "look forward to" so to speak. It has been very helpful to me.

Now Im ready to ask a few more questions on my own. I went to my Dr. last week for the first time since leaving the hospital on Dec. 5th. I guess now is a good time to say my WG involves lungs and sinuses. I was very fortunate that the pulmonologist immediately suspected WG in the hospital and had actually seen it before and treated it. He started me on prednisone and cytoxin. As of the dec 19 the Dr started decreasing my prednisone from 60mg to 40 mg on alternative days. My question is that on the 40 mg days I seem to be completely wiped out with fatigue. I don't know if this is because of the medication decrease, or if its just part of the unpredictable nature of WG but I can almost set a clock to it at this point. Next week I'm to reduce to 30mg alternating with 60mg. I don't know if I can expect the fatigue to increase even more. Any answers from your experiences would be helpful.

So glad I have a fantastic husband who found your website for me. I don't feel so overwhelmed after reading all your stories.
