HI, My name is Mary. I have been aware of WG since 1970. My brother was diagnosed after 2 months of not knowing what was wrong with him. He was only 19. I can remember some of it (I was only 14) but not all the medical jargon that goes with this disease. What I do remember is that they did not give him much time. They asked my parents if they could basically use him as a "guinea pig" and try some drugs out on him. We wanted nothing more than to have him well. So of course they told the Dr's to do what they could. Now what I do remember is that at that time this disease was fatal, and my brother was one of the youngest to ever have it. It had reached his kidneys and his lung had lesions. So the Dr's gave him large doses of Prednisone, Cytoxin, Imuran. I am amazed that after 38 years this is still the same drugs that are used to fight it. But what I want all of you to know is that my brother is 57 yrs old and has had a wonderful life. I am so thankful to those Dr's. After my brother got better, he spoke with Medical students, and others who were afflicted with this rare disease. I think that he may of been the first to survive but I am not totally sure. I know that he was the youngest at the time to have had it. The only lasting effect is that he has hearing loss in his right ear. The other miracle is that the Dr's told him that he probably would not be able to have children, but he had a daughter 19 yrs ago. So again, we, his family are so grateful for these miracle. I just wanted you all to know that there is hope and there is life after WG. May God Bless you all, Mary