I have finally found something that is helping my chronic sinus problems and wheezing. Maybe it might help some of you. My last visit consisted of my favorite doctor apologizing because I have the type of respiratory problem that is the least understood and most resistant to meds.

Anyway...I felt a bit frustrated and decided to try an old timey treatment...a vaporizer. Amazingly, I have had more relief from this than all the prednisone, albuterol, symbicort, xopanex, singlulair, advair, singulair, zyrtek etc. etc. that I have been taking for the past 21 months! Just a plain old vicks personal vaporizer.
Amazon.com: Vicks Personal Steam Inhaler: Health & Personal Care

I use the inhalant pads that are made to go with it. They have camphor in them. When the camphot runs out, I make each pad last a little longer by adding a drop or two of peppermint oil. Anyway...if you have respiratory issues and have never used one of these machines....it might be worth a try!

Hope you are all doing well. I think of you often and check in periodically to keep up with all my weggie friends.