Sorry, I feel so silly asking this!

However my toes REALLY HURT. Like real bad.

Like I think I want to cut 'em off bad!

I told my doctor and he kinda scratched his head... It's not a joint pain.. It's like a throb; very painful. However there is nothing physically wrong with the toes. They just hurt really really bad. I'm trying to think of how to describe the pain; like.. It does not hurt anymore to walk on them as it does to stand still. Pressure doesn't hurt them any more either - they just hurt. It comes and goes; almost like a wave. When it does hurt it hurts sooo bad - then in a few seconds to a few minutes it's completely gone. It's like the weirdest pain; it's more of an ache I guess, than a jab... But it's a weird pain.

My doctor is suspecting some kind of nerve damage maybe...???

Anyone else have pain like this? Maybe somewhere else?