OK. I had my bronchoscopy and coughed so hard my face is now covered with burst veins. I look like I have measles. Anyway - results will be in soon, but all signs so far are pointing to this NOT being WG. Probably bronchiectasis. It answers a lot of questions...particularly why traditional asthma meds do me little good.

One of the reasons that I questioned my WG diagnosis was because this had been going on for 20 months, and I am not dead yet. I don't even feel nearly dead. And yet....every article I read tells me that untreated WG has a life span average of 5 months - increasing to 12 months if prednisone is used. OK. If I don't have WG...that still makes some sense. But...what if it WAS wagerers? I have read SO many posts about people who have gone undiagnosed for over a year. How is that possible???

The great doc I am going to is doctor #10. With a few exceptions, they have all been wonderful...but no one had a definitive diagnosis. Most were totally NOT OK with that and referred me on. But really - I worry so much about folks who don't have persistent doctors and/or who do not do a lot of investigating themselves. I just don't understand how it can go undiagnosed so long. I suspect there must be many who have died with no one really knowing why.

Anyway thank God this forum exists. You offer support and easy to understand explanations of complex issues. Kudos to all of you. I will let you know when I know for absolutely sure.