
I'm stuggling to loose weight and have put on loads since being back on pred again, I just can't resist foods n sweets, I really wanted to give healthy eating a go but didn't want to lose my snacks! Haha
SO when I recently stumbled upon a site called Graze ( graze | healthy snacks by post | get nature delivered ) I was a very happy bunny!

They hand pick and deliver healthy/healthier snacks and nibbles to you door about once a week or more often if you like! Have a look at their website n read the info about "grazing" and look at what snacks they have.

If anyone is interested in trying out a free box and then getting a second one for half price, I was given a voucher code to share with friends. Code: 3TQ4MQC

I recived my first box today and even though there isn't loads in there, its a good option for anyone struggling to resist a daily "treat". This box gives you 4 different snacks to choose from and is a healthier alternative to a muffin/chocolate bar/ cookies etc

Also, thanks to the boxes being hand picked every week just for you, (you can rate foods with bin, try, like and love, so you won't end up with something you hate) you wont really get bored of being a bit healthier!

Give it a go if you like, as I said, if you use the code I was provided with, you will get your first box free and if after that, you want another box, you will get that one half price. You can cancel the deliveries at any time when you don't want them anymore, and you can cancel after reciving your free box as well, so if you don't want to, you don't have to pay a penny!

(Just want to let you guys know this isn't an advert for this site, lol, I simply fell in love with the whole idea and the loooovely snacks! lol pred-food-craving-mania warning! )