I think you are smart not to change doses at this point, and your doctor might not like it. I've been at this for 8 years and think I was left on most of my meds for too long. That gave me plenty of time to get comfortable with changing prednisone doses. I wouldn't do it with any of my other major meds. Although I have a light case compared to some, it's taking a long time for anyone to think I'm ready to come off the meds. You have gotten down a lot lower on your prednisone than I did in that amount of time. I did not take Rituxin because it was just being approved for WG/GPA. So I took cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), a very effective drug, but somewhat risky long term, and now I've been on methotrexate around 7 years. I've only had a couple of mild to moderate flares and only one cold, but also had shingles last year, which can be linked to taking an immunosuppressant. Other issues have been bone and tissue damage in ears, sinuses, and lungs, vertigo, double vision, and anemia. I have permanent hearing loss and a saddle nose, and cannot smell. A lot of the damage could have been avoided with an earlier diagnosis. It was 2.5 years too late. But I'm thankful I have no kidney damage so far, and realize I'm doing a lot better than some.

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