I'm a little panic stricken, sorting out my estate. After all, I'm an infection and relapse away from disaster. Above all, we want to avoid probate, where all kinds of shady characters can put a claim on your assets.

I'm keeping my estate planning simple. Every account I own has a listed beneficiary. Upon my death, those funds will pass to them. If I should end up in a precarious situation, I'll have a durable power of attorney, so someone can pay my bills and take care of any financial decisions. I have a healthcare proxy, but maybe skipping a MOLST form, aka MEDICAL ORDERSfor LIFE-SUSTAINING TREATMENT. This is the pink form you hang on your refrigerator, so EMT's will know how to handle you. In my state, a healthcare proxy can override the MOLST form. I already have a burial plot, but I'm thinking of prepaying some of the associated costs.

My estate plan is a work in progress, with serious emphasis on progress. Don't leave a mess for your heirs. Proper estate planning can bring peace of mind.

Estate Planning Musts When You Or A Or A Loved One Has A Chronic Illness
