I got the RSV vaccine and high-dose fluzone vaccine last week. For the first time, I had a reaction to a flu vaccine — injection site discomfort. It was mild, and was gone the next day.

I had a more pronounced reaction to the RSV shot. I had similar injection site discomfort. About 15 hours after the shot, at about 3am, I was urinating and fainted. I went down like a ton of bricks and came to a few seconds later. I was unhurt, but confused for a minute or two. I found out later that fainting is a possible side effect of the RSV vaccine.

I messaged my GPA doc at Ohio State (as I’m currently between PCPs) and she suggested I get examined at one of OSU’s urgent care facilities. The CT scan of my head showed nothing (my friends and family’s joking aside), but the EKG was a little different from my last one of five years ago. So, I see my cardiologist tomorrow to get his two cents worth about it.

I feel fine and am doing normal activities. I got the new Covid shot on Monday and had a pleasantly minimal reaction to it.