Hi All, I am glad to be a part of this forum. I was diagnosed with GPA in 2021 , sinus symptoms, ear pain etc. Started taking prednisone and methotrexate, that seemed to work for almost a year, however in the fall of 2022, sinus symptoms return full force. Starting in late January, I develop pain in my thighs and calves. So painful that it has been hard to walk. Somedays its my wrist, and arms, and legs, and other days it's just my legs. Starting about a week ago, I also feel just plain sick, and I shiver. It is worse at night, so much so I can hardly move. Anyone have these symptoms ?

Here are my current labs, taken about a week ago. So far Rheumatologist has not said anything.

SED rate doubled for 27 to 66,
there is new blood in urine ,250 U/uL
C-Reactive Protein - High for the first time.
Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab Titer 1:320 increased from 1:80