Happy New Year everybody! Hope you're all doing well. I have a quick question about swelling.

For the past few months everything has been fine except the odd swelling in my left knee. I thought it was odd that my GPA/Wegener's would attack just one area and nowhere else. Then earlier this week, January 15-18, I noticed that the same shoes I wear everyday were getting tighter; even with thin socks. I just did blood work and got the results yesterday. Everything looks perfect! Kidneys... GFR was sitting right at 100 and creatinine was at 78. Inflammation markers, CRP & ESR were very low... that made me wonder, why would I have swelling with very low inflammation markers?? Last is I have a brand new intermittent cough. Just ordinary phlegm coming up, but the cough was very harsh as if I was choking. Then 30 minutes later, it disappears as if nothing happened. Does that sound like the alarm clock for the disease is going off to wake itself up? The good news is I see my Rheumatologist next week.