Hey Michelle,

I had a few sinus infections over my lifetime. 5 years ago, I got the HiN1, and either another flu or very bad sinus infection that year. I also started teaching young children that year in an older school.

The last year and a half I had almost constant phlegm in my throat, hoarseness, and fatigue, finally ending with a "raging" sinus infection that showed some "wacky" bacteria (per my ENT) in the nasalscopy he did. I ran to urgent care when I got sick again, and had a chest x-ray and they said I had pneumonia. On antibiotics again. follow up showed pneumonia clear, but I had one nodule.

In the midst of all this, I saw an immunologist who ran blood work and found above normal pANCA level and referred me to a lung doc for a biopsy to see if it was Wegs.

Ironically, I have been feeling better than I've felt in years over the last 2 months, but now my b/f and my grandson are sick. Crossing my fingers that I don't get sick again. I am seeing a rheumy this week.