I just wanted to introduce myself I have been going through my 3rd relapse and a coworker suggested I find a support group. I guess they are sick of hearing me talk about it. Lol. I have have wegeners for 13 years. I've done 2 years of cytoxan. Prednisone on and off which makes me feel like super women but I hate the side effects. After cytoxan I switch to methotrexate pills and recent changes to injections. I have had a total of 9 rituxan infusion which usually works well but it's been a very long year. I did 4 infusions of Rituxan in sept and a couple months of steroids and increased my methotrexate but I'm still not getting better. My Crp and anca have doubled and I'm coughing worse and wheezing all the time. Don't sleep at night and this horrible foot pain. Does anyone else get foot pain. Mine doesn't feel like joints. It honestly sounds like text book plantar fasciitis but I blame everything on wegeners. I so glad I found this group. It sucks to burden friends and family and you can't blame them. They will never really understand.

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