Hi everyone! I have a question about rituxan. Is it possible that after switching 6 months ago, when my disease flares, it would present itself in different ways than pre-rituxan. In other words i am now having symptoms i would have had when i was dxed 16 years ago, symptoms i havnt had for around 8 years. While on mtx and imuran my flares were all in my stenosis. I had rituxan for the first in august. I had been symptom free until january 10 or so. And now my symptoms are joint pain, ear pain...things i havnt had in years. So is it possible that when rituxan wipes out the b-cells, that when they start returning it triggers different symptoms than before. This would be my conclusion, just wondering what your experience was? I am back on 30 mg of pred until my next round of rituxan kicks in. I go friday for my first of 2 infusions. Thanks for your time !