I haven't posted in a while but one thing that always bothers me about my course with Wegners is that I have stayed at a high Sed. rate. After a long treatment with predisone I seemed to reach the best I would ever be which ranged in the 50's and 60's. After blowing up on predisone we made the decision to get me off of it and I no longer take it at all. I think I reached a point of it doing more harm than good. I haven't taken it for close to 2 years. My Sed. rates did not increase when I went off of it and at times have fell a bit more but I continue to typically run in the 40's and 50's. My labs run normal now in every other way but the continued battle with the Sed. rate and slight anemia. Mostly I do really well sometimes the joint difficulties are more difficult than others and I may take some Advil. Most mornings I wake up in good condition and tend to have joint pain later in the day. I wonder if there is anything that would get the inflammation level under control. I take Imuran daily and Methotrexate weekly.

Anyone else face the same battle with the Sed rate? I'm going on 5 years now with this diagnosis or never a normal sed rate.

Maybe as long as I'm doing okay it doesn't matter? Maybe that is just life now.