I like to stay on top of the potential new drugs that are being developed and I ran across this one: Bortezomib. They tested it on one patient with microscopic polyangiitis and she was able to stay in remission without other drugs for four years (!!). This sounds super appealing to me as I suffer from a relapse & high-dose prednisone--sign me up for any trials of Bortezomib for WG!

Here's the brief commentary about it:
Bortezomib in refractory ANCA-associated vasculitis: a new option? -- Novikov et al. -- Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases

Also, in case anyone is interested and missed it the last time it was posted, there's another new potential drug for WG called Dalazatide. Here's information about that:
Kineta, University of Groningen Present New, Positive Data for Dalazatide in ANCA Vasculitis, an Orphan Disease | Business Wire