Only similar to she has now. We will not make her a category 3 unless she wants it. She has made that clear thru her life to me. But as far as recessitation her answer has always kind of been the same. She thinks she will be able to make that call. It is part of her stubbornness. She has always felt that way and when it happened with my grandfather because she didn't want to let go <even though everyone knew where he was at> she in her mind feels that saying number 2 is giving them permission to let you die and she always has. So as her family we are honoring her wishes. But can't get her to realize that number 2 is not that it is just making it so they don't bring her back and leave the call to myself and sister. I have tried to get my sister to see that I will be ok. It wont be easy but as her next of kin and knowing my mothers mentality I have been preparing for this for some time. Problem is my sister is about to leave back home she has family obligations there. She doesn't want me stuck with that call. And it causes her to break down also. As strong as I can be and have been when you take everything that has happened and add into it watching my baby sister not able to handle it... I tend to need a spot to talk things thru.