Maybe others know this trick, but I'll post it anyway.

I'm sure most people have noticed that forum search engines (all forums, not just this one) are way less than sterling and often don't give the results you expect or want.

Google, however, has totally master searches and you can limit a google search to just a specific site by entering "" as part of your search criteria. For example, "vertigo mtx pred" (sans quotes, of course) would search just this site for anywhere that mtx, pred, and vertigo were mentioned in the same message.

Other google rules also apply. If you entered "vertigo mtx pred -vdub", it would not list anything I had commented on.

Also, google is smart enough to know that vertigo is a synonym for dizziness, so it automatically includes dizziness in the search.

Anyway, its another search option for you that you might not have been aware of.