Hi everyone,

I'll go with the short introduction for now, I was diagnosed with GPA in Dec 2014 when my kidneys failed completely. Until that point no one connected the faint dots and it had gone unnoticed. Since then I've went through a phase of kidney nurturing dialysis and to see if they will recover (GFR is now 35) and plasmaphersis sessions with Cytoxan to kill the negative antibodies. I'm currently off dialysis and in an early transitional state of no negative antibodies and working toward remission. I just went through a battle with a low white blood cell count and are battling to also get the red ones up. This has led me from the nephrologists realm into the oncologist one.

This "adventure" has certainly changed life as I know it. As the single breadwinner for the family, being very healthy to this point it has changed perspectives of the future that we are all still grappling with. I'd appreciate any lessons learned from the group or things I should be considering given how new this is to me.

Thanks for your time,
