I finally, lost my patience with this non response of MPA by the drugs my mom has taken.
She had the best response with an IV Cytoxan one week dose on her kidney function in June 12, 2014.
Her Creatinine went from 3.3 to 1.9 by the end of the 2nd week.
Then, she went on Rituxan (June 24, 2014) and the best her creatinine went to is 1.8.
She has been on mofetil at a dose of 750mg-1gm which is the suggested range and she doesn't tolerate the 1gm dose daily and she still has high inflammaiton factors and pos ANCA.

Sed rate 35 (normal range 0-20)
C-rp <.5 (normal range 0-.8)
RF 28 (normal range 1-10)
Creatinine 1.8 (normal range .6-1.3)

By now, her creatinine should be showing some improvement.
I found out that in Israel, they don't use Rituxan for MPA because it doesn't work for MPA.
Both my mom's Nephrologist and Rheumatologist was surprised that my mom had little improvement with Rituxan.
I have, yet to find anyone that has MPA and renal failure have success with Rituxan.

She has lung involvement and unconfirmed GI involvement, so I think the cytoxan could put this disease in remission and Mofetil could maintain after. I don't know why Cytoxan was not tried much earlier, but she is almost 8 months from her first treatment with little response on a life threatening organ.