I would say this is the site to ask a few questions. I know I am not as sick as most of you are or you have been but I don't want to go there.
1. My family keeps telling I am going deaf. My ears feel as if they are full of water or just plain plug feeling along with tinnitus. So the best doc for this is? I am thinking Ear Nose and Throat specialist. Would they know if this is caused by wegener's? If it is wegener's can they stop the hearing loss at this point or could treatment make it even better?

2. My sinus is so very painful, full of pressure and so very dry at one time and then the next time my nose is draining. Is there something OTC that would help this. I use a Bipap machine which I am having a very hard time using because of the way my sinus hurt. It seems they are worse if it is cold.

3. My brain seems to work some days and other days not so good... is this another symptom of wegener's?

4. Does wegener's affect the eyes too?

5. I feel as if I am going to be heading back to all my old specialist again to see if I can get this under control.
An ophthalmologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, Ear, Nose Throat specialist and Nephrologist .... now is there another doctor that can handle all of this or do all of you see all of these specialists???

6. Have any of you had a Staph Infection? I seen some where that a staph infection might be what could cause me to have wegener's. I know when I go into the hospital I always get tested for staph infection to see if it is active. They tell me I will be a carrier the rest of my life. The bad thing is I got the staph infection from the hospital in the first place.