I was 38 when I was officially diagnosed and in a unique work position. My job was grant funded and was only set to last about 18 months after diagnosis. With that information and knowing how tired I was, especially, I felt like it would be difficult to find a full-time job (I work in nonprofit communications/fundraising). I assumed I'd be struggling through the week after taking my meds every week, or taking my meds on the weekend and having no quality time with my young sons and my husband. I decided to go back to school to train as a court reporter, which should allow me to work when I feel like I can/should, on a week-to-week basis. I never would have envisioned myself doing that, but as it turns out, I love having something to do that contributes to our family income and that doesn't carry the stress of the ongoing projects I used to work on. I am fortunate that my husband carries our health insurance...