Today I spent far too much time on the phone trying to get my medical information from one clinic to another or one specialist to another. I have an appt tomorrow and found out, inadvertently, that the requirement of my rheoumy was to go see my ENT (nosebleeds) BUT she did not get the paper work started and therefore when I went to the ENT they did not know why I was there. No biggie, I told them, they examined me and said all was fine. (or as fine as it can be....need to saline/salt flush)
so tomorrow I am supposed to go back to see the rheumy and they do not have my ENT results. GRRRRRRR........This could all be avoided IF the doctor who recommends the ENT visit would get the paper work started right away.
I can guarantee that this will be a discussion item during my visit tomorrow........No wonder people do not listen to their doctors! I am a problem solver and THIS WAS A PROBLEM for me, so I will find a way to resolve it.
In MN we have strict HIPPA laws to "protect our privacy". How is this in Canada or other countries? If it's better...I'm moving!
Thanks for letting me vent
Hoping for a reduction in pred soon.....maybe tomorrow.
coffeelover (how about a coffee icon?)