Quote Originally Posted by annekat View Post
I've heard and experienced that the sinus symptoms take longest to go away, if they ever do. There may be permanent damage to the sinus and nasal cavities. The symptoms should at least improve over time, if the disease activity is brought under control.
It is my understanding that the Wegs can often cause permanent damage to the sinuses and this often causes residual symptoms like post nasal drip as the sinuses are trying to calm down or flush out irritation which is essentially scar tissue or damaged tissue. Crusting and nasal bleeding can result from an increase in residual symptoms or a sign of more active Wegs. In cases where it is underlying Wegs activity, the treatment for Wegs will generally reduce such symptoms. There may even be some healing over time of some of the damage to sinuses and nasal passages which can reduce symptoms like post nasal drip and coughing. Using Muccinex or its generic and lots of sinus rinses are the best way to control these symptoms according to my ENT.