Congratulations! Hope all is going well with you. I just wanted to tell you how much better this thread made me feel. I am 6 weeks pregnant, been off medication for about a year, and I've been super scared about what the future holds for me and my baby. I talked to my Rheumy a couple months ago, before I found out I was pregnant, and he seemed optimistic about my ability to have a healthy pregancy in the near future. Then, God sent my husband and I a little surprise! My GP was very optimistic as well when I saw her last week and told her I was pregnant, which eased my racing thoughts a little bit. I have been assigned a high risk OB, along with a regular OB, but haven't seen any of them yet. I have been trying not to stress about circumstances I cannot control, and reading what everyone here had to say really helped. Just another reason I love this forum.
Hope all is well with all of you!
Happy Holidays!
Nicole Shaffer