Quote Originally Posted by mishb View Post
Hi Sunshine,

I also have the daily public transport commute - over an hour each way.

I use a thick scarf instead of a mask - people don't tend to stare as much. It does work.

The other day a man sneezed on a lady sitting a few seats ahead of me. He didn't cover his mouth and his sneeze carried mucus from his mouth and landed on the side of her face. OMG - she just got a tissue out of her bag and cleaned it up. He kept apologising for about ten minutes.

I was not faced with that situation but all of could think of was, what would I do if it was me
My daughters (whom I travel with each day) would have got up and knocked the man out - me, I think I would have just cried
I would have then had a shower when I got home and then I would need counselling for the next ten years

What would you all do ??
The thick scarf is a great idea!

And wow, that sneezing story sounds traumatic! I have to stop myself from frowning when people around me cough or sneeze...I immediately get worried that I'll catch whatever it is they have. I would try to respond kindly to that situation....and then douse myself in Purell and take a shower as soon as possible!