Quote Originally Posted by Debra C View Post
Why is it whenever I go to the Cleveland Clinic the rhuemy stresses upon the inportance of getting the flu shot. He knows about wg and the inflamation and all the other issues that come with it. Why do they want us ( and the elderly ) to have it so bad. I had mine ,so this conversation is to late for me this year but I will definately have second thoughts about it next year.
Simple. If you don't get the flu shot and are unlucky enough to catch the flu, there is a greater risk of severe complications if you have GPA than if you do not. Ditto if you are elderly and therefore more frail. If you take the flu shot and get the flu, the effects are likely to be less severe and complicated. Unless you strongly believe (and there's NO scientific reason to do so) that the (non-live) vaccine will somehow harm you, why not get the annual shot?