I don't know if this fits in this category but it is as good a place as any. I knew I would need dialysis for at least 3 years now but it was always something off in the future when the doctor told me that I had to tell him that night if I was going to have dialysis or not because he would have to operate in the next 24 hours or i wouldn't make it. Even though I had earlier decided not to do dialysis, when faced with the immediate death, I said yes. After 3 months of dialysis I couldn't take any more. I had a TERRIBLE REACTION TO IT AND MY FREE DAYS WERE EVEN WORSE THAN THE DAYS ON THE MACHINE. I felt so sick all of the time, on and off of dialysis that I decided to stop and accept the consequences. I am in my fourth week off of dialysis now and feel good. I am living life again. It is by no means perfect but it is so much better than before. I have no idea how long it can last because all of the Journals and doctors say you can only live up to 3 weeks after you come off of dialysis. I will see how long I can prove them wrong, but I am not going back on dialysis.