I posted here several months ago wondering if nasal crusts that are often swallowed and coughed up could be a sign of Wegeners. Because I do not have health insurance, last time I went to visit my parents in Italy, (they paid for my ticket) I saw a doctor there (exams are completely free there). When I mentioned Wegeners, she laughed (I think she never heard of it before) and gave me a nasal spray made with isotonic marine water. She told me to see a nose, throat specialist if the problem persisted. Surprisingly, this spray worked, I no longer got those annoying nasal dry crusts, but just plain normal soft mucous. If i had a case of Wegeners, wouldn't those crusts still stay, no matter what? I am back to the Stats now and could not find a similar nasal spray so I am back to getting these annoying, dry large nasal crusts and coughing them up. I also got red, itchy eyes but they get better with dry eye drops such as Systane. I would appreciate some thoughts on this.