Hi guys,

Sorry haven't posted for a while. Please forgive me.

I feels so exhausted and isolated lately. I say lately, but for the past few years my health is just in constant decline.

I've got the joint pain in some control (i'm on anti TNF therapy), and i've recently started IG infusions. The side effects of these meds alone are horrendous, and the other day I lay in bed wondering if I was going to die.

My lungs feel constantly sore, my body aches, and today I just feel beyond exhausted. I don't know how much longer I can fight it. I just feel wrecked.

I keep thinking about things, and I don't know, I just feel a bit down tonight I suppose.

My daughter this time last year, sustained serious burns, and I guess that is weighing heavily on my mind too.

Sometimes I wonder what life is all about.

(Sorry for being so miserable tonight).