Quote Originally Posted by Sangye View Post
Sounds like everything is moving in a positive direction-- yay for all that!

When I have a gut feeling about part of the treatment (eg the pred needs to be higher or lower) I tell Dr Seo. Sometimes he has a strong opinion about why he's right but a lot of the time he says we should go with my gut. If he has a strong opinion he always has good reasoning behind it so I generally go with it. We do "arm wrestle" about some stuff, as he calls it. LOL We're becoming like an old married couple!
Dr. Seo sounds like a sweetie. I know what you mean about the gut feeling. I was getting ready to suggest more pred to my non-specialist doc, and thought he might bite my head off, so I was surprised when he doubled my dose, temporarily, before I even asked. I have done a little light "arm wrestling" with this guy, too, and have, from my point of view, proved him wrong on some occasions. But I don't know that he remembers them that way and I try not to act like I won and he lost.