Quote Originally Posted by jsmith View Post
Hi I agree it sounds a bit extreme, i need to look into it a little more, he said they dont usually offer it but he will make an acception, i have been really messed around, and if id of been listened to earlier, who knows i may be able to hear a little more.

From what i understand, they take only minutes to do and can be removed just as easily in the future should they not work, the bone anchored ones will fit in with my lifestyle a lot better, but we'll see ive got til after christmas to think about it and see how i get on with my sexy over the ear ones!!

I need to consider the risks with my medication too and healing, but will leave it a while, my heads still spinning from everything else.
When I got my BAHA the staff told me they were given to people with serious conduction loss through regular hearing mechanism and also for people with history of chronic ear infections that can't handle regular haring aids that block the ear canal because ofri9sk of infections. The BAHA aid doesn't cause the moisture buildup that my regular behind the ear mold does. The amount and kind of hearing loss you have will determine what type of aid is best for you. It took three months for bone to heal around the titanium implant screw before they gave me the snap on healing aid. It took the doctor who did the surgery two minutes to decide it was appropriate for me but the hearing evaluations took a couple hours or so first. It is a great improvement of being deaf. There are a couple different types of surgery to implant the screw. Mine removed the hair follicles for the area on inside of skin which causes a bald spot the size of a small coin and numbness in this area which also causes some itching but otherwise the operation is rather simple. You can look at some videos about this on Youtube if you search for them.