It's been a while since I updated, but after tapering my pred, all of my "original" WG symptoms started to come back, including daily fevers. My rheumatologist decided to go ahead and start treatment. His theory (after consulting with Dr. Merkel from Boston, now at UPenn) is that I have either "mild" WG (a term he said they don't really like) or that I'm on the cusp of fully developing WG. While there was always speculation it *could* be something else, every single specialist I've seen feels most comfortable calling it WG and treating it as such.

I started taking 20 mg. of MTX weekly, with daily pred and folic acid. At my six week check-up, I was feeling somewhat better, but still not great. It's been about three more weeks now and I'm really starting to feel like something is making a difference. I don't have a fever any more, my joint pain is MUCH MUCH better, my dry eyes and mouth are significantly better and I haven't had a sinus or ear infection in nearly two months (HUGE progress for me!) My ENT scoped me last Friday and was very impressed with the difference. He said he generally has a hard time maneuvering the scope b/c of inflammation and it was easy and not even that uncomfortable for me (and I don't get numbed for it...)

I was on vacation with my husband and two little boys last week. We were busy every single day and I was able to keep up with everyone! I still feel pretty icky the day I take the MTX, but I'm guessing that is to be expected.

I still have an appointment to see Dr Merkel myself, but not until the end of October. Hopefully I'll be in even better shape by then!

Any idea how long I might need to stay on MTX/pred? Strangely enough, I have not yet asked this question.