While I am very grateful for the NHS, in that I have never had to worry about the cost of being treated for our exciting disease, there is one major problem with it - Government interference. Due to the terrible financial situation, the highly unqualified idiots running this country have got to make savings and one of their great ideas is to start playing around with government employee pensions.

So on 21st June UK doctors are going to go on strike for one day! They will still deal with emergancies and urgent cases, but routine stuff will have to be re-scheduled, luckily for me I am seeing my consultant on the 19th (phew close call). I must admit that a lot of doctors will retire with pensions many times what I am earning, but the government has not reduced pensions for MP's by anything like the proposed changes to doctors pensions. My comment is quite simple "Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, keep your thieving hands off!"
