Ear Rocks
-I had them before I was dx with WG. I don't know if they are WG related or not but I feel they are. My ENT used the Epley and Semont Maneuver to check for ear rocks. Anyway, helpful or not, here is some information for our "information library." What does your ENT and/or Rheumatologist think about a dizziness cause and a link to WG?

"Ear Rocks," otoconia, do cause dizziness, BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo). They are small crystals of calcium carbonate that are created and dissolved in the ear. The problem is that when they break lose and float around they can cause BPPV. My ENT showed me how to control them with the Brandt-Daroff Exercises. I do the exercises when they reoccur and the dizziness is gone.

Is this more than you wanted to know? Some people have posted about vertigo problems that their ENT may be able to solve????
