Quote Originally Posted by jtausan View Post
I have been intubated for surgery serveral times but they always use a LMA tube, this tube is much smaller and doesn't go as deep. As far as the trach goes I have come really close to having one done by EMT's in an ambulance but they were able to open my airway. I am so thankful they did not have to do it because I have heard horror stories about emergency trachs. They really can go wrong and do a lot of damage. My ENT feels like this should be the last resort and I agree. I carry an inhaler to open my airway and use a nebulizer anytime I have the slightest respiratory problem. I also flush my sinuses daily to clear mucos and phlegm. I go to Mayo-Rochester in March and see the Subglottic Stenosis Specialist and I can't wait. I am hoping we can do someting surgically to open airway more permanently.
Who are you seeing....i am at mayo now...lovey snow we r having