Here goes.

Based on a comment by Sangye about the my liver enzyme issues, I've been thinking about a commonality between when I first got sick and this latest flare. My life right now is very very very different from before I got sick. I have come up with only one thing that is the same. H1N1. Arrrrgh!!!!

I think vaccines are OK (they have brought our society out of the dark ages - when done properly), flu shots I've never considered and thought of only as something for old people and sick people (of which I am one now) but the H1N1 Global Chicken Little knee jerk reaction really got my goat last year. Every fibre in my being told me it was wrong, but after months of abstaining, I got guilted by society into giving it to my daughter. I thought it would be very irresponsible parenting of me to give her something I don't believe in and not get it myself, so we went in and got the damn shot.

I just went in and checked when I got it with our Health Unit, and it was two months before my symptoms appeared. I just had a flu shot on October 14 (in which they are sneaking the h1N1 vaccine) and started getting symptoms two days after which have lead into this horrid flare. On a side note, I just got a call from my doc telling me to stop the cyclophosphamide as my liver enzymes are now in the high 300's for ggt and 150 for alt. So no WG treatment for me as of today. I'm totally bummed, but I'm straying.

So any of you newly diagnosed Weggies get the H1N1 shot before getting the WG speach by your diagnosing doctor? Just curious.

I remember sitting on my couch after getting the shot in November last year thinking that this is a life changing day. I had eventually dismissed that thought until I remembered it a few days ago after making the connection based on Sangye's comment about something triggering the liver enzymes that might also be triggering the Wegs.

H1N1 Hornet Nest.